I am a postdoctoral investigator in the Mahadevan Group at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. My work is motivated by the question of how dynamics of the upper-ocean and of clouds affect Earth’s weather and climate – a big question that leads to broad interests. My current research centers on intraseasonal oscillations of the Indian monsoon over the Bay of Bengal. Click here for a brief article I wrote describing this work.

I spend a lot of my time out in nature looking for cool clouds and plants and birds. Take a look at my blog to see what I’ve been finding lately.

My PhD work was in string theory. My thesis on M-theory/heterotic duality was advised by Professor David Morrison, and I was a member of the Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis, and Physics. I was previously a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, and before that I completed my BSc in physics and mathematics at Stanford University.

For more information on my current and past research, head to my research page. For a copy of my CV, click here.


6/29/23: I recently got back from a research expedition on the Arabian Sea. Click here to read about the cyclone that we saw.

11/3/22: I got to write a blog post for NASA Earth Expeditions about our field work in the East Pacific. Check it out!

6/8/21: My paper with Bobby Acharya and David R. Morrison on heterotic duals of M-theory on G2 orbifolds is now available as a preprint on arXiv. Click here to view.